Aerial Bunch Cable (ABC Cable)
AB Cable, also kown as Aerial Bunched cable, is a very nobel concept for overhead power distribution when compared to the conventional bare conductor in overhead distribution system. AB Cable provides higher safety and reliability. AB cable have overcome limitations of PVC insulated cables such as thermal degradation, poor moisture resistance and thermoplastic nature. These cables are directly strung on distribution polls by means of hardware.
AB cable - Advantages
- Less fault rate on account of good protection against line and group faults by high winds, falling trees or birds specially in hilly areas and forests encountered in rural distribution networks.
- High insulation resistance to earth in all seasons. Negligible leage currents and low losses.
- Multiplexer circuits of power and telephone cables could be in the same set of poles.
- Better adaptability to laid besides with existing overhead bare conductor system without any interference.
- High capacitance and low inductance leading to low impedance of lines.
- Lower Voltage drop, Higher current caring capacity vis-a-vis better voltage regulation.
- Longer Span and Longer distance lines are possible with better system stability.
- AB Cable are more safer than bare cable.
- It can be laid in dense vegetation and forest areas.
- Additional Connection can be easily and quickly made with hot line connectors.
- Overall lines cost reduced.
- Maintenance is very Convenient.
- Very difficult to tap AB Cables, thus reducing theft which leads to lower distribution losses.
- Since the tension from the current caring conductor is totally removed by introduction oFMessanger wire the operating tempreature of conductor is 90’C as against 75’C therefore alowing AB Cable to carry current equivalent to that of the same size.
LT AB Cable
LT AB cable has higher current rating, higher short circuit rating approximately 1.2 times that of PVC.LT AB cable, due to its smaller diameter of cable and higher weight, has smaller bending radius and requires less space which lowers the cost of laying. For longer cable length voltage drop, one size lower cables can be used as compared to PVC insulated cable.
HT AB Cable
HT AB cables are highly reliable and insulation has been developed to withstand extreme cold and intense sunlight. Disturbance and faults occur five to ten times more often in open wires lines than in AB cable lines. There is no risk in touching the live cable and the insulation reduces the number of short circuits and over voltage faults in overhead cables during thunderstorms. Few hardware accessories are needed which are different for different size of cables. Streets can be lit only at little extra cost by using the cable that have an extra conductor for lighting. The cable can be supplied with one or two insulated conductors for street lighting.
- In electricity theft prone areas.
- As replacement of bare lines in rural area & narrow street with limited space.
- As replacement of bare lines where reliabilities of support is of prime importance.
- In hilly terrain here cost of erection of overhead lines or under ground cable becomes very high.
- As reinforcement of existing system with increase in voltage/current carrying capacity.
- For temporary supplies.